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🌎 Looking for a new geography scheme? We're hosting a free live session on May 8th at 4.15pm where you can hear from FOUR leading suppliers of geography schemes, saving you hours of research time. Sign up here!
As a teacher, I always believed that a scheme of work should never be used a script. Instead, a good scheme should empower teachers in their subject knowledge, CPD and planning.
Welcome! I created Scheme Support when I was a full-time teacher back in 2017. I was passionate about the way educational publishing can help in classrooms, but at the same time frustrated that many schools weren't using schemes properly or leaving teachers to plan everything themselves, often without any specialist subject knowledge. In fact, I spent far too much of my time planning lessons than I did actually teaching and understanding the children in my class.
Scheme Support is an easy way for schools to see what schemes of work there are available for all the primary subjects. It gives all educational publishers a chance to show what they do: from larger publishing houses to smaller teacher-owned businesses that can be tricky to find on Google.
I hope Scheme Support helps you as a teacher find the right curriculum resource for a school. And if you're an educational publisher, you can find out how we can help you here.
Robert Pokorny
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