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Primary EYFS, KS1 & KS2 Computing Schemes of Work 

Use our updated directory of computing schemes of work and lesson planning for the English National Primary Curriculum to compare which one is best for your school and students. Use the list of schemes of work below to compare by year group(s), cost and features. Please note that some computing planning below requires the purchase of specialist hardware, so make sure to check out each of the publishers' websites thoroughly. 

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Also see: Coding Schemes of Work, Online Safety ResourcesComputing CPD

iCompute Primary Computing

iCompute Primary Computing


iCompute leads the way in supporting schools teach the computing curriculum with inspirational, creative, schemes of work that provide full statutory coverage of the National Curriculum for Computing at Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. 

Trusted and used by thousands of teachers and schools throughout the world, we provide structured, flexible, primary computing lesson plans and resources for each year and all of the support and materials you need to confidently teach computing from EYFS to Year 6. 

Our comprehensive computing schemes are designed for mastery and are suitable for teachers with any level of experience.

For Years Reception - 6


  • Full coverage of the National Curriculum

  • Planning resources, lesson plans, lesson resources & teacher/pupil videos

  • Pre-written computer programs

  • Assessment toolkit, subject leader's toolkit

  • Ofsted Guidance

  • Coding Online Tutorials

  • Optional assessment tests and tasks

Staff Training & Support

  • Comprehensive CPD toolkit & subject leader's toolkit

  • Online chat - speak live to an expert teacher!

  • Telephone, video call and email support available


From £150 per year. Small school and MAT discounts available.

Sign up for a free trial to see how iCompute helps schools around the world provide a world leading computing education. · 015395 55360 · Visit Website · Case Studies · Testimonials

Computing Scheme of Work

Computing Scheme of Work

Kapow Primary

Kapow Primary’s Computing scheme is carefully designed to provide full coverage of the three essential National Curriculum strands:: computer science, information technology, and digital literacy. It offers a wide variety of activities and outcomes to engage students and facilitate learning about our increasingly digital world. The scheme is flexible, adaptable, and can be run on different hardware and operating systems.

For Years 1 - 6


  • Wide variety of activities and outcomes: catering to different learning styles and encouraging student engagement and exploration

  • Free and readily-available software: we use free software and virtual alternatives, eliminating the need for expensive physical resources, including virtual versions of popular tools such as BeeBots and micro:bit.

  • Compatibility with Microsoft and Google: allowing schools to leverage their existing technology infrastructure

  • Whole School Learning: offering a comprehensive approach to computing from EYFS through to Year 6

  • Unique Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) offer: a specialized curriculum for EYFS, catering to the unique learning needs of young children and promoting early digital literacy skills

  • Continuity: our scheme ensures a smooth progression of skills and knowledge across different units and year groups, allowing students to build upon their knowledge and abilities over time

  • Online Safety: our scheme features a dedicated unit on digital safety for every year group, teaching students how to navigate the online world responsibly and safely

  • Maps to Education for a Connected World Framework: helps children develop the necessary skills, knowledge, and understanding to thrive in the digital age.

All this alongside the features that customers have come to expect from Kapow Primary: full National Curriculum coverage, detailed planning and progression documents, integrated CPD, and unique pupil and teacher videos.

Staff Training & Support

Induction materials are sent upon signing up, and there is email support available. There are also frequent webinars that are free for members to attend on a variety of topics including online safety, top tips for remote teaching and digital literacy.


(12 month subscription) 0-150 pupils: £215 + VAT | 150-300 pupils:  Â£287 + VAT | 300 + pupils:  Â£350 + VAT | You can purchase combinations of 12 foundation subjects with a lower cost per subject the more you take. Special pricing is available for members of MATs. Join over 7,500 schools that use Kapow Primary to deliver engaging and comprehensive schemes of work. Sign up now for a FREE 14-day trial to see the potential for your school. | Free Trial | Visit Website

Computing & ICT Lesson Plans for the Primary School

Computing & ICT Lesson Plans for the Primary School

Will Fastiggi

Years 1 - 6

One-off Purchase

This book is a compilation of lesson plans for Computing & Information Communication Technology (ICT) lessons for use by teachers in the primary school. Designed to be used with students from 5 to 11 years, Computing & ICT Lesson Plans for the Primary School contains hundreds of exciting, challenging and academically relevant lessons for all children at primary age who use computers in school [read more]. 

Teaching Primary Computing

Teaching Primary Computing

Bloomsbury Education

Years 1 - 6

One-off Purchase

The teaching ideas in Teaching Primary Computing are engaging, easy to implement, and use mostly free tools that operate across the many digital platforms that primary schools use. Addressing every aspect of the National Curriculum, the book is split into year groups, and each chapter offers practitioners an essential summary of all the information and vocabulary needed to successfully implement exciting, well-structured lessons that will keep your class riveted [read more]




Years 1 - 6

Annual Subscription

A flexible, interactive scheme of work for the UK Primary Computing Curriculum. 123SOW is completely cloud based and designed for individual schools or multi-academy trusts [read more].

2Simple’s Computing SoW in Purple Mash

2Simple’s Computing SoW in Purple Mash


Years Reception - 6

One-off Purchase

The Purple Mash Computing Scheme of Work gives you everything you need to teach computing to primary school children, all in one place. When we first made the scheme available as a free download we were overwhelmed by its popularity among teachers and computing leaders [read more].

CGP+ Computing

CGP+ Computing


Years 3 - 6

Monthly Subscription

Incredible online teaching resources, plus CGP Books extras just for members! [read more].

Creative Computing Curriculum

Creative Computing Curriculum

Mr Andrews Online

Years 1 - 6

Annual Subscription

Equiping young learners with the computing knowledge and creative skills they will need for the rest of their lives [read more].

Deliver Computing 360

Deliver Computing 360

Deliver Computing 360

Years 1 - 6 +

Annual Subscription

A full scheme of work shows you when to teach each unit. A complete mapping to the national curriculum shows you which unit covers which section [read more].




Years Reception - 6

Annual Subscription

iLearn2 provides over 100 primary computing activity packs to cover the Key Stage 1 and 2 Computing Curriculum plus much more. Unlike traditional schemes of work, pupils can use iLearn2 at school or home to work through the activities independently, which have been assigned by their teacher. The packs include activities for a variety of free software across multiple platforms (Windows, Chromebook and iPad), providing pupils with a wide range of skills. [read more].

JE Computing

JE Computing

Jamie Edmondson

Years 1 - 6

One-off Purchase

This Project based, cross curricular scheme of work for Computing utilises both iPad and PC software and is easy for all teachers regardless of their skill level and confidence to follow. Each of the 36 units can be easily integrated into any curriculum topic area, therefore providing purposeful and meaningful learning experiences guaranteed to enthuse and motivate all of your pupils [read more].

Keychain Computing

Keychain Computing


Years R - 6


This is a fully resourced computing scheme of work that has been developed by the NCCE. They are updated regularly and you can access the resources from the Teacch Computing Website [read more]. 

Knowsley SoW

Knowsley SoW

Knowsley CLC

Years Reception - 6

Annual Subscription

Let’s inspire a lifelong love of play, design, code and invention with technology [read more].

Lion Learning Pathways Computing

Lion Learning Pathways Computing

Lion Academy Trust

Years 1 - 6

Annual Subscription

An invaluable resource providing all your teaching and learning content requirements – split by key stage – to support Years 1 to 6 [read more].

Sheffield Primary Computing

Sheffield Primary Computing

Sheffield ILS eLearning

Years 1 - 6

One-off Purchase

A comprehensive, affordable scheme of work to teach Computing in your school, and ensure your pupils are safe, responsible and effective users of technology [read more].

Switched on Computing

Switched on Computing

Rising Stars

Years 1 - 6

One-off Purchase

Save time and improve teacher confidence with a complete curriculum programme for computing [read more].

Teach Computing Curriculum

Teach Computing Curriculum

National Centre for Computing Education

Years 1 - 6


Everything you need to teach computing at key stages 1 to 4 [read more].

Twinkl PlanIt Computing

Twinkl PlanIt Computing


Years 1 - 6

Monthly/Annual Subscription

Excite and engage children with our award-winning scheme of work. Our fully progressive units provide solid building blocks to develop knowledge, skills and concepts. Featuring a wide range of activities created by subject specialists, PlanIt is easy to adapt and well researched so you can teach with confidence [read more].

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