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Primary Reading CPD
Browse a wide selection of online CPD about primary reading. You'll find information about the cost, duration and details of each webinar below. You can also filter by specific subject matter using the selection tags.
Developing a Spoken Language Curriculum - KS1 & KS2
19 September 2024 09:15 - 12:00
Literacy Counts · £60 · Via Zoom
Spoken Language, Oracy
Are you a Primary school looking to further consider spoken language in your English curriculum? Do you want to develop the teaching of conventions of spoken language to enable your pupils to speak well in a range of contexts?
This session will provide guidance on ways to create an explicit curriculum for developing spoken language. You will have a firm understanding of:
Understanding of progression across the primary phase​
Consistent strategies to support learning​
The role of the teacher in developing effective interaction ​
The conventions of spoken language
Assessment of spoken language
Building Reading Habits at KS2 & KS3
20 September 2024 09:15 - 12:00
Literacy Counts · £60 · Via Zoom
Reading for Pleasure, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6, Year 3
Do your pupils have mixed attitudes towards reading? Are you keen to develop long lasting reading habits for your learners in KS2 and beyond?
This course will enable English / reading subject leads to understand the current provision in their schools and develop ways to motivate pupils to read for pleasure and create communities of readers.
You will have a firm understanding of:
A range of audits to understand current position and set next steps
Environments for reading
Strategies to motivate pupils and develop a love of reading
Children’s and young adult’s literature
New to Year 6
20 September 2024 09:15 - 12:00
Literacy Counts · £60 · Via Zoom
Year 6
This professional development opportunity will provide details of the expectations for teachers that are new to Year 6. Delegates will explore the details of the STA summative assessments for reading; the exemplifications materials for writing and the National Curriculum expectations for grammar, punctuation and spelling.
No gaps in knowledge here! The sessions will be full of practical ideas to support teaching, accurate assessment and next steps.
Meeting the Needs of Children with EAL
15 October 2024: 09:15 - 12:15
Literacy Counts · £60 · Via Zoom
Do you have children who have English as an Additional Language in your school? This professional development will provide ideas, strategies and approaches for supporting with English as an Additional Language within a rich literacy curriculum. You will explore a range of:
High quality children’s literature
Teaching strategies and activities to support the needs of EAL learners as part of Quality first Teaching
Ways to address the distinct needs of bilingual learners
Developing Reading Fluency and Comprehension
24 October 2024 09:15 - 12:00
Literacy Counts · £60 · Via Zoom
Fluency, Assessment
Are you looking for clarity on how to build fluency and comprehension across the primary phase? Are you looking to support children to control the pace and intonation of their reading? Do you need guidance on supporting the development of comprehension skills? This course enables teaching staff and additional adults to confidently plan and teach reading fluency and comprehension. You will have a firm understanding of:
What reading fluency and comprehension is
Strategies to develop reading fluency and comprehension
Audits for improvement and next steps
Effective assessment of reading fluency
Supporting Struggling Readers - KS2 & KS3
24 October 2024 09:15 - 12:00
Literacy Counts · £60 · Via Zoom
Year 5, Year 4, Fluency, Year 3, Year 6, Struggling Readers
Do you have children who are struggling with word reading?
Is progression and pace difficult to secure for some of your children?
This course enables delegates to have a clear of understanding of the barriers to reading progression and strategies and scaffolds to support improvement. You will have a firm understanding of:
The foundations of word reading
Ways to support and scaffold struggling readers
Analysing reading and providing effective instruction and next steps
Securing fluency