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Primary EYFS, KS1 & KS2 History Planning & Schemes of Work
This page quickly compares all the history planning available for the National Primary Curriculum. There are a few different approaches here - such an enquiry-led planning - so we encourage you to browse each publisher by clicking on 'visit website'. Many providers below will come with guidance about planning history lessons taking into account your local area. We have a separate page for cross-curricula schemes of work which will include history planning, usually within a 'spiral' curriculum. You can also read our history scheme buyers guide to help choose the right resource for you.
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History Scheme of Work
Kapow Primary

The Kapow Primary History scheme includes unique features, such as an interactive timeline, unique primary sources and coverage of otherwise under-represented historical figures.
The scheme offers full National curriculum coverage and is designed to promote the progression of skills and knowledge. Designed to help you to teach History with confidence.
For Years 1 – 6
100+ lesson plans, supporting resources, presentations and videos
Clear planning documentation for subject leaders
Interactive timeline showing the span of historical time from pre-history to the present day, embedding chronological awareness in your class
Wide range of primary sources, including ones that are unique to our scheme
Unheard histories of lesser-known figures, questioning who it is that gets to be considered of ‘historical importance
Opportunities and guidance to incorporate local history knowledge into your lessons
Integrated CPD gives you guidance on pedagogy and helps you to teach tricky concepts to your class
Unique pupil and teacher videos demonstrating key concepts
Original songs to help embed knowledge and key vocabulary
Insight into Geography career paths
Adaptable schemes (including long-term plans, condensed and mixed-age plans)
Covers Year 1 through to Year 6
Staff Training & Support
Staff training and support is an important feature of Kapow Primary History: CPD is built-in. Throughout the scheme, teachers will find short videos explaining the pedagogy behind teaching historical concepts such as chronology or interpretation of sources as well as guidance on teaching individual lessons. In addition, particularly in key stage 2, there are teacher knowledge sections in many lessons providing background subject knowledge.
Join over 7,500 schools that trust Kapow Primary to help them deliver exciting and thorough foundation schemes of work. Take out a FREE 14-day trial.
Subscriptions start from £215 plus VAT.
Visit Website · Free Trial · Pricing · enquiries@kapowprimary.com

Scheme Name
Scheme Publisher

Year Group
CGP+ History
Year 3 - 6
Monthly Subscription
Incredible online teaching resources, plus CGP Books extras just for members [read more].
Collins Primary Connected History
Year 1 - 6
One-off Purchase
Providing a modern, relevant and intellectually challenging history curriculum that also makes meaningful and rigorous links to other subjects [read more]
Hamilton Topic
Hamilton Trust
Year 1 - 6
Annual Subscription
Hamilton's cross-curricular topics provide extensive planning resources to facilitate teaching a range of subjects under specific historical, geographic or thematic umbrellas [read more].
Historical Association Primary
Historical Association
Year 1 - 6
Annual Subscription
At the HA, we understand how difficult it can be planning for and resourcing new curriculum topics, which is why we have devised a whole series of schemes of work [read more]
History Keys
B&C Educational
Year 3 - 6
One-off Purchase
The intention is for a school to progress through the keys to build their knowledge, and cover all the skills included within the National Curriculum for history by the end of Key Stage 2 [read more].
History Learning Challenge Curriculum
Focus Education
Year 1 - 6
Annual Subscription/One-off cost for individual units
The Focus Education scheme of learning for history aims to provide children with a comprehensive understanding of Britain's past and the wider world. It encourages curiosity and critical thinking, allowing children to ask perceptive questions, evaluate evidence, and develop judgment. This scheme of learning helps children understand the complexity of people's lives, social change, diversity, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time [read more].
History Mastery
Ark Curriculum Plus
Year 1 - 6
Annual Subscription
Our primary mastery programmes for Science, History and Geography have been carefully constructed to support you in delivering a comprehensive curriculum that will ensure all your pupils gain a rich knowledge of the world in which they live, that they encounter experiences to help them make sense of it, and that they build the confidence to make judgements on what they see [read more].
KS2 History
KS2 History
Keystage History
Keystage History Online
Year 1 - 6
Annual Subscription
Keystage history is the home of best practice in primary and secondary history teaching and learning. Our 3,000+ active users trust the up-to-date, authoritative, cutting edge, expert advice on issues such as deep dive inspections and you will be inspired by all the creative planning and teaching ideas [read more].
Lion Learning Pathways History
Lion Academy Trust
Year 1 - 6
Annual Subscription
At Lion, our sequential approach to the curriculum really lends itself to teaching History chronologically, so that, from Years 1 to 6, children have a clear framework for organising their understanding of the past [read more].
Opening Worlds
Haringey Education Partnership
Year 3 - 6
Annual Subscription
Opening Worlds is a knowledge-rich humanities programme for teaching history, geography and religion in Years 3 to 6. We provide curriculum resources together with training, support and ongoing programme-related professional development for primary school teachers [read more].
PlanBee History
Year 1 - 6
One-off Purchase
History resources for primary teachers. Ready to teach lesson plan packs with detailed information, historical enquiry activities and differentiated primary History resources about British history and the wider world [read more].
Rising Stars History
Rising Stars
Year 1 - 6
One-off Purchase
Ensure complete coverage of the key knowledge, skills and concepts required by Ofsted for Key stage 1&2 History, with everything you need to teach each half term in one handy place [read more].
Teaching Primary History
Bloomsbury Education
Year 1 - 6
One-off Purchase
Teaching Primary History offers an exciting new approach to planning and delivering effective primary lessons in a fun and refreshing way, with three carefully structured lesson plans in each chapter [read more].
The Primary Knowledge Curriculum: History
The Primary Knowledge Curriculum
Year 1 - 6
Annual Subscription
The PKC history curriculum allows children to develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of local, British, and world history. The knowledge in the curriculum has been carefully chosen and sequenced using a largely chronological approach [read more].
Twinkl Planit! History
Year 1 - 6
Monthly/Annual Subscription
Excite and engage children with our award-winning scheme of work. Our fully progressive units provide solid building blocks to develop knowledge, skills and concepts. Featuring a wide range of activities created by subject specialists, PlanIt is easy to adapt and well researched so you can teach with confidence [read more].