Primary EYFS, KS1 & KS2 Maths Schemes of Work
Welcome to our comparison of primary maths schemes and planning. The schemes below will meet the learning objectives for the primary maths curriculum, and have a few different approaches in meeting these objectives. A variety of school budgets are also catered for. You'll also need to check which resources each publisher provides as part of their package by clicking on 'visit website'.
We also have a separate page that lists resources for maths intervention, times table practice and maths assessment materials. As of this year, we've also built a dedicated list of EYFS-only maths schemes.
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Power Maths

Power Maths is Pearson’s whole-class mastery programme created in partnership with White Rose Maths and recommended by the DfE. It is designed to spark curiosity and excitement and help you nurture confidence in maths.
Based on in-depth research and teacher feedback, Pearson have recently updated their Power Maths print and digital resources for Years 1–6 to remain fully aligned with the White Rose Maths schemes of learning. With Power Maths, you can be confident that:
you are using the only whole-class mastery programme fully aligned with the White Rose Maths progressions and schemes of learning.
your Primary Maths resources follow cutting-edge maths mastery guidance from the DfE and NCETM.
the impact of your resources is proven through robust efficacy, and reviews from schools up and down the country making maths an adventure with Power Maths.
you are embedding an exciting growth mindset and problem-solving approach, sparking curiosity and excitement for maths.
For Years EYFS - 6
An Online Toolkit providing all the digital resources you need to support your front-of-class teaching, including e-textbooks and interactive teaching tools, plus strengthen and deepen activities, an assessment markbook, teacher PD videos, Individual Practice Games and more.
Rich textbooks providing a coherent structure through the curriculum and supporting children on their journey towards deeper understanding.
Practice Books providing scaffolded intelligent practice so that children can master each day’s learning step-by-step.
Teacher Guides providing expert support for your day-to-day teaching, including how to provide extra stretch or support for children during each lesson.
Progress Tests available and more!
Power Maths is suitable for international schools teaching the English curriculum and has been successfully used for home-learners throughout the Covid-19 school disruptions, enhanced by its comprehensive online resources.
(*Power Maths KS1 and KS2 have been judged by the DfE panel to meet the core criteria for a high-quality textbook.)
Staff Training & Support
Our full-day training course helps teachers better understand the benefits of the Power Maths learning model, how to bring it to life for children and plan practical next steps for implementation. Online videos help develop an understanding of key misconceptions and teaching strategies so you can feel confident teaching each unit. We also have numerous advocate schools, and a Facebook group of over eight thousand educators to facilitate the sharing of tips and advice.
Our packages are flexible and cost-effective to suit your needs and budget, whether you're looking for online, print or blended resources. Speak to us about tailoring a package for your school, and available options for small schools. View our prices or request a quote.
0845 630 1111 · Case Studies & Testimonials · Free Trial · Visit Website
Maths Masters
Mrs Mactivity

Maths Masters is your trusted companion for stress-free maths lessons, specifically designed to save planning & prep time whilst deepening children’s understanding of mathematics through developing strong problem solving and reasoning skills.
For Years Nursery to Year 4.
NEW Nursery and Reception planning and resources
Subject leader planning documents such as progression maps and 3 "Is" statements
Comprehensive, easy to follow lesson plans
Interactive editable slides
Differentiated worksheets
Engaging activity cards
Clear knowledge organisers
End of block assessments
Assessment trackers
Join over 20,000 teachers already discovering how Mrs Mactivity saves them time, and provides rich and varied learning experiences for pupils. Teach maths with confidence and enjoyment, and be inspired by our ideas and approach.
Support & Training
Onboarding guidance is sent when signing up, and there is a helpful maths product guide to help you understand the scheme. For additional enquiries and support, email support is available from our knowledgeable advisors at We also have an Instagram account with over 30k followers sharing best practice for using the scheme.
Try our Maths scheme for free with a 10-day trial. School accounts start at £250 + VAT.
Explore Maths scheme of work · Sign up/view pricing · Explore Mrs Mactivity · Contact
Years 1 - 6
Annual Subscription (£2.00 per pupil/year + VAT for schools, £49.99 per year including VAT for teachers)
MathShed provides teaching tools that follow and complement White Rose Maths, as well as a comprehensive range of online games and learning tools. Designed with pupils, teachers and parents in mind, MathShed makes learning maths fun for pupils and simple for teachers to manage.
MathShed includes mastery teaching slides that use the CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) approach, self-marking question sets, digital games targeting critical maths skills, Quick Maths arithmetic slides, comprehensive data and assessment tools, a Year 4 multiplication tables check simulator and KS1/KS2 SATs practice papers.
Use MathsShed with a small group to target specific skills, with your class, as a whole school approach or alongside White Rose Maths. Sign up for a free 30 day trial.
Years 1 - 6
A flexible toolkit that puts you in control, with over 10,000 resources, activities, plans and assessment tools. Abacus is a unique maths toolkit that’s carefully crafted to help you inspire a genuine love of maths and help every child master mathematical concepts.
Big Maths
Andrell Education
Years 1 - 6
Big Maths was created to support teachers, so we include content and resources designed to complement your subject knowledge and increase confidence in teaching maths. Most importantly, we help you to make learning maths fun and engaging [read more].
Broadbent Maths
Broadbent Maths
Busy Ant Maths
Years Reception - 6
One-off Purchase
Ignite a passion for maths with Busy Ant Maths, a whole-school mathematics course that assists teachers in teaching for mastery and ensures complete coverage of the 2014 Primary National Curriculum for Mathematics [read more].
CGP+ Maths
Years 3 - 6
Incredible online teaching resources, plus CGP Books extras just for members [read more].
Classroom Secrets Maths
Classroom Secrets
Years EYFS - 6
A range of maths lessons including differentiated worksheets, practical supporting activities, and teaching resources for Primary teachers in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 [read more].
Classroom Stars Maths
Classroom Stars
Years 1 - 6
Our hands-on learning resources and activities accommodate all types of primary learning environments, including classrooms, homeschooling, private tuition, whole school planning, that will help children make progress in every area of the national curriculum [read more].
Complete Maths Classroom
La Salle Education
Grammarsaurus Maths
Years 1 - 6
The home of quality resources made by practising teachers and writing moderators [read more].
Hamilton Brookes Maths
Hamilton Brookes
Years Reception - 6
Annual Subscription
Trusted by professionals for over 20 years, Hamilton’s maths scheme currently fulfils the English National Curriculum and EYFS Profile for ca.2500 schools and over 10,000 individuals in England and overseas. Ideally suited to the classroom and for use by home-learners, themed blocks of learning are sub-divided into units, presented in order of progression, each covering a specific set of skills.
Lion Learning Pathways Maths
Lion Academy Trust
Years 1 - 6
Our approach to Maths is to provide systematic coverage to support assessment, through a structured approach that supports exemplification and moderation - and a consistency of teaching across all settings and abilities [read more].
MEP Scheme of Work
Years 1 - 6
The MEP Scheme of Work, provided by the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching, is clearly specified for Years One to Six and is part of a complete Year 1 to Year 11 plan with associated written and mental tests. There is a focus on numeracy skills in the early years but maths is treated as an integrated subject rather than subdivided into separate topics.
Master The Curriculum Maths
Master The Curriculum
Mastering the Maths Curriculum
Headstart Primary
Years 1 - 6
One-off Purchase
This series is designed to help children master mathematical concepts and principles from the Maths Curriculum. The activity sheets included in this resource provide examples for children to practise mathematical concepts, with each activity sheet clearly matched to an objective from the Maths Curriculum [read more].
Mastery Maths Full Scheme
Primary Stars Education
Years 1 - 2
A full scheme that follows a CPA approach – no preparation needed. Differentiated & aligned to the National Curriculum [read more].
Maths Foundations
Teacher's Pet
Years 1 - 6
Monthly/Annual Subscription
Our Maths Foundations project is designed to support you in delivering outstanding primary maths education. Recognising the importance of strong fundamentals, our resources focus on providing you with the essential building blocks for teaching, learning, and assessing mathematics in primary school.
100 Maths Lessons
Years 1 - 6
One-off Purchase
Master the Curriculum with Scholastic's 100 Lessons. Scholastic's acclaimed 100 Lessons series is here to help your school prepare. Trusted by teachers for 15 years and selling more than one million copies, 100 Lessons is fully in line with the Curriculum objectives.
Teacher's Books: Year 1 · Year 2 · Year 3 Year 4 · Year 5 · Year 6 · Planning Guide
Maths No Problem
Maths – No Problem!
Years 1 - 6
The Maths — No Problem! New Edition has everything you need to successfully teach mathematics using the mastery approach [read more].
Oxford University Press
Years Reception - 6
MathsBeat is a digital resource that provides schools with a consistent approach to teaching maths mastery across Key Stages 1 and 2 [read more].
Oxford University Press
Years 1 - 6
Created by teachers for teachers, MyMaths is an online subscription service for teaching primary maths. MyMaths offers you the tools to stay connected and support students’ learning wherever they are, with a wealth of learning and assessment resources [read more].
Number Sense Maths
Number Sense Maths
Years Reception - 6
Number Sense Maths provides two systematic and structured teaching programmes which develop confidence and flexibility with number and fluency in addition and subtraction facts. Comprehensive guidance and professional development is included to ensure teachers get the best possible outcomes for their children [read more].
Oxford University Press
Years Reception - 6
One-off Purchase
If you’re looking for a primary maths programme that will work for children of every ability, Numicon offers a wealth of resources that can be used across EYFS, KS1, KS2, and to bridge the gap to KS3 [read more].
Planbee Maths
Years 1 - 6
Our downloadable Maths Curriculum Packs for primary schools have been designed from the ground up to address the National Curriculum objectives for Mathematics [read more].
Primary Maths
Prim-Ed Publishing
Years 1 - 6
One-off Purchase
Primary Maths is a 12-book series with at least one activity for each objective of the Primary National Curriculum for Mathematics [read more].
Real Shanghai Maths
Years 1 - 6
One-off Purchase
Real Shanghai Mathematics is a primary mathamatics programme for Years 1 - 6. With high-quality textbooks at its core. every child will master maths and acheive their full potential with these immersive resources. [read more].
Rising Stars Mathematics
Rising Starts
Years 1 - 6
One-off Purchase
Reinvigorate maths mastery at your school with the most cost-effective, fun and flexible scheme, helping you deliver mastery the way you want [read more].
Twinkl PlanIt Maths
Years 1 - 6
Excite and engage children with our award-winning scheme of work. Our fully progressive units provide solid building blocks to develop knowledge, skills and concepts. Featuring a wide range of activities created by subject specialists, PlanIt is easy to adapt and well researched so you can teach with confidence [read more].
White Rose Maths
White Rose Maths
Years 1 - 6 +
Free/Annual Subscription
We are a group of teachers and mathematicians, dedicated to developing maths education for everyone [read more].