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Primary EYFS, KS1 & KS2 Music Planning & Schemes of Work 

Welcome to our directory that compares every music schemes of work for the National Primary Curriculum, which will help music subject leads choose the right resource for their school. Many of the schemes below are made for non-specialist teachers and come with comprehensive video CPD. A lot of the schemes also work without needing instruments (e.g, through body percussion and singing). Don't forget you can also read the latest music curriculum scheme news and releases by signing up to our newsletter here

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Music Express

Music Express


Music Express is the go-to digital resource for thousands of schools across the UK who want a comprehensive and engaging music scheme that’s easy to use for non-specialist and specialist music teachers. Whether you’re navigating new ways of delivering lessons or planning for skills progression, Music Express has you covered with a Lesson Bank of planning documents, core resources and a Song Bank of over 350 songs in a variety of styles to learn and perform. The platform has a wealth of activities specially designed for the 2021 revised EYFS framework, a topic-based SEND scheme, and over 60 teacher training videos in the brand-new Knowledge Bank.

Music Express is available through Collins’ digital learning platform, The Collins Hub, and supports the National Curriculum of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

For Foundation to Year 6


  • Lesson Bank â€“ complete, ready-to-use lessons organised by year group. Now with EYFS resources, developed in line with the revised 2021 framework.

  • Song Bank – songs for all ages and abilities, with on-screen lyrics, performance and backing tracks.

  • Ukulele Magic & Recorder Magic – popular beginner courses perfect for whole-class instrumental teaching.

  • SEND scheme – six topic-based units for use in special school classroom environments or for intervention work.

  • Knowledge Bank – resources to develop every teacher’s confidence and skills, including a handy glossary and over 60 informational training videos.

Staff Training & Support

We offer guided tours of Music Express with our music publisher over Zoom, as well as tailored Music Express INSET sessions by experienced workshop leaders. Email for more information.


School subscriptions to Music Express start from just £160 per year, depending on school size. All prices exclude VAT.

For schools with up to 100 pupils on roll - £160 per year

For schools with between 101-300 pupils on roll - £230 per year

For schools with over 300 pupils on roll - £250 per year

For hub packages, please contact the team at

Chat to your local rep at to arrange a free 30-day trial or fill in this form Â· Visit Website

Music Scheme of Work

Music Scheme of Work

Kapow Primary

The Kapow Primary Music scheme covers the full National Curriculum requirements. Our Digital World units go further to help prepare young learners for an increasingly digital future and give insight into the design world.

The lessons are not just instructive but also fun and engaging

For Years 1 - 6


  • 100+ lesson plans, supporting resources, presentations and videos

  • Variety of styles, musician stimuli and learning activities

  • Teacher videos provide subject knowledge and guide lesson delivery in trickier areas such as composition, notation and singing

  • Culturally diverse, reflects music from a wide range of cultures and traditions and children get to create music within these syles

  • Whole-class instrumental scheme in line with the DfE’s 2020 Model Music Curriculum guidance

  • Clear planning documentation for subject leaders

  • Clear, spiral curriculum structure to support progression of knowledge and skills

  • Integrated CPD gives you guidance on pedagogy and helps you to teach tricky concepts to your class

  • Adaptable schemes (including long-term plans, condensed and mixed-age plans)

  • Whole school coverage: EYFS to Upper Key Stage 2

Staff Training & Support

Induction materials are sent upon signing up, and there is email support available at There are also frequent webinars that are free for members to attend on a variety of topics including cross-curricular approach to music teaching. Also included are additional supporting resources for subject leaders including subject leader toolkits, progression of skills document, assessment grids and curriculum overviews.


Join over 5,000 schools that trust Kapow Primary to help deliver foundation subjects in their classrooms.

Try for FREE with a 14-Day trial. Subscriptions start at £215 plus VAT · Free Trial · Visit Website



Dimensions Curriculum

Years EYFS - 6 

Annual Subscription from just £200 + VAT

Hullabaloo! Primary Music Curriculum is great for all teachers, both specialists and non-specialists. It is accessible through an easy-to-navigate website and has everything you need to teach brilliant music lessons. It’s supported by a range of extra materials, such as the music ‘Guru, videos and ‘Fanzone’ Podcasts, and has instrumental teaching built-in.

It is built upon strong foundations of evidence-based practices and educational research. It incorporates a carefully designed, fully integrated system for checking recall and retention, without the boring repetition. It also ingeniously interleaves concepts and skills, so you create a foundation for lasting musical learning. Simple assessment tools ensure you can check progress and record attainment easily.

You can sign up for a 14-day free trial here

Music Playtime

Music Playtime

Arts Enterprise

Years EYFS - 2

FREE 14 day trial with Pango - the home of primary schemes of work

Music activities for children. Early Years & KS1 topic-based music scheme. Songs, chants, playing, skills, games, creative work, listening, movement. All the recordings you need. Cross-curricular ideas & stories.

ABC Creative Music

ABC Creative Music

ABC Creative Music

Years EYFS - 6


We bring a creative music-making culture to your classroom and home for engagement, ownership and achievement.




Years 1–6


Over 70,000 teachers use Charanga to help them teach music, and more than 2.5 million children enjoy a Charanga-supported music lesson every week. Our online platform is entirely customisable. We’re best known for our award-winning music curricula, technology, CPD and teacher training, which, together, boost music in schools. Charanga also has a 25-year history of partnership working with music hubs and services UK-wide, national and state governments, and others to support their ambitions for positive change in music education. Start a free, no-obligation trial. Full access. No payment details required. No strings attached.

Get Set 4 Music

Get Set 4 Music

Get Set 4 Education

Years EYFS - 6


We have made sure it's simple and easy to use, giving teachers the subject knowledge, confidence and support in development and delivery of a high quality music curriculum.

Jolly Music

Jolly Music

Jolly Learning

Years R - 6

One-off Purchase

Jolly Music is a five-year programme aimed at children from age 4. When complete, it will extend up to age 11. Through a repertoire of playground rhymes and songs, children learn to identify musical elements such as pulse, rhythm, pitch, loudness and speed.

Musical Contexts

Musical Contexts

Musical Contexts

Years 3 - 6

Subscription/One-off Purchase

Musical Contexts contains everything you need to free-up hours of time in music planning and resource preparation.

Musical Futures

Musical Futures

Musical Futures Online

Years 3 - 6 +


Access music education resources designed for the classroom, including playalongs and learning tools created to support teaching from ages 7 to 16 (Key Stage 2 - 4).




Years 1 - 2


This scheme of work covers the entire National Curriculum for Music at Key Stage 1.

Sing Up

Sing Up

Sing Up

Years EYFS - 6


Sing Up's primary music curriculum supports you to deliver high-quality classroom music right across the primary school.

Teaching Primary Music

Teaching Primary Music


Years 1 - 6

One-off Purchase

An easy-to-follow framework for all teachers - whatever your level of musical experience - to help you teach pupils to perform, listen to and most importantly enjoy music across a range of genres, styles and traditions.

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