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Primary EYFS, KS1 & KS2 Reading Schemes of Work 

The reading schemes below include those which support whole-class and carousel guided reading. We also list schemes of work for writing, spelling and well as dedicated reading intervention programmes. You an also access our list of primary reading materials.

You can also stay up to to date with all the latest primary curriculum news and offers by joining our monthly teachers' newsletter here

Pathways to Read

Pathways to Read

The Literacy Company

Pathways to Read is a programme designed to equip pupils from Year 1 onwards with key skills to move through the reading process towards becoming competent and fluent readers. The units provide progressive development of reading skills that follow our mastery approach. Pathways to Read units are linked to high-quality texts and provide clear and detailed lesson plans that ensure engaging and purposeful reading lessons. Each unit of work is expected to last a half-term, and there are 6 whole-class reading sessions provided per unit.

Pathways to Read incorporates a variety of activities and tasks at every level, allowing pupils to enhance their vocabulary, make predictions, retrieve information and respond effectively using their mastery keys.

The units can be used as a standalone programme or thematically alongside our award-winning Pathways to Write programme to encourage a whole-school curriculum approach with the opportunity for topics to link across all year groups.

For Years 1 - 6


  • Detailed whole class reading plans for each unit with clear and supportive PowerPoints for each whole class reading session to ease teachers’ workload

  • Progressive development of reading comprehension skills following a mastery approach

  • Introductory training materials and a progression document to support mixed-age classes

  • Ability to create a bespoke package from over 50 units based on inspiring and creative texts that links creatively to the wider curriculum when combined with our Pathways to Write product

  • Reading assessment grids

Pathways to Read provides three categories of skills developed each half-term:

  • Ongoing skills: Linked to text choices and achieved through a selection of teaching activities

  • Core skills: Prediction, vocabulary development and retrieval

  • Mastery Skills: 2-3 objectives are focused on for pupils to master over the course of the half-term

Staff Training & Support

The Literacy Company offer a range of training and support delivered face to face (distance dependent), online or via downloadable training modules.

We have a range of Pathways Literacy programmes supporting writing, intervention, spelling and poetry. Find out more here.


Pathways to Read Full Package Y1-Y6 - £1675+VAT

Pathways to Read Y2-Y6 - £1575+VAT

Single Year Group Y2-Y6 (Y1 only) - £325.00+VAT (£150.00+VAT)

We offer discounts on full packages to small schools to ensure that Pathways to Read is accessible and affordable for all schools. Please get in touch to enquire about this.

Please note that this is a one-time purchase and not a subscription model. The supporting texts are available at up to 30% off from our partners at Peters, visit our page on their website here.

Click here to read about the impact that Pathways to Read has had in schools.

If you have any questions, please contact us at Â· 01244 445050 · Visit Website

Collins Big Cat

Collins Big Cat


Collins Big Cat is the leading whole-school primary reading scheme providing complete support from phonics to fluency. With a rich variety of text types, from graphic novels to poetry, instruction texts to biographies, there’s over 1,500 fiction and non-fiction books by leading authors and illustrators to excite and inspire every child.

Big Cat books are perfect for independent, guided and whole-class reading. The books are designed to appeal to different age groups, reading levels and interests, ensuring a diverse selection that encourages children to read for pleasure often and widely.

Browse our full catalogue here.

For Years Reception - Year 6


Staff Training & Support

Our local sales consultants are happy to discuss any questions and put together a quote that suits your school’s needs and budget. Our friendly Customer Services team is also on hand to help and includes a dedicated Digital Support Team, who can assist with any queries about our online resources or ebooks. You can reach them at


Books start from just £4.75. The easiest and best value way to Big Cat is our banded sets, which come with a built-in 20% discount. You can also target specific areas of the curriculum with our cross-curricular collections – save 20% when you buy every book in a collection.

Go to to find out more · Visit website · Read Catalogue · Testimonials · · 01484 668 148 

Ready Steady Comprehension

Ready Steady Comprehension

Literacy Counts

Ready Steady Comprehension (formally known as Steps to Read) is planning support for whole class Shared Reading through carefully crafted units of work. They empower teachers to teach all aspects of word reading and comprehension through high-quality fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts.

Ready Steady Comprehension provides a clear teaching sequence to reading sessions that explicitly teach reading skills and strategies in a cumulative way through evidence-based approaches. These comprehensive units have been constructed so that the entire statutory curriculum for reading is covered from Year 1 – 6. They also enable schools to draw upon the wider curriculum, which supports schools to build rich curriculums. The primary aim of Ready Steady Comprehension is to teach reading comprehensions skills and strategies explicitly.

For Years 1 - 6


  • Daily Shared Reading lesson plans for 4 – 5 weeks per half term

  • Fiction, Non-Fiction and Poetry extracts

  • Explicit teaching of Comprehension Skills and Strategies

  • Daily Vocabulary work

  • Daily fluency work

  • Anchor Questions

  • Apply Activities

  • Decodable & Common Exception Words (Year 1)

  • Common Exception Words (Year 2)

Staff Training & Support

We provide a wealth of consultancy support to ensure the impact of this resource is maximised. This incorporates support for online resources, phone conferences, webinars and inset days. In-school support is available for modelled sessions, environmental audits, leadership support and helping schools establish systems for monitoring and evaluation. Find out more about our training opportunities here


The cost of this resource is £60 for each comprehensive 90+ page document that provides a half term planning framework for schools. There are six units per year group which equates to £350 (bundle price) for the full reading curriculum per year group. View units/bundles online here

NB Vehicle Texts are not included in the price of the scheme. Discounted books are available from Madeleine Lindley here · 07522 514 759 · Visit Website 

Badger Learning Enjoy Guided Reading

Badger Learning Enjoy Guided Reading

Badger Learning

Years 1 - 6

One-off Purchase

Badger Learning’s best-selling Enjoy Guided Reading series of teacher books and accompanying sets of ‘real’ reading books is highly regarded and over the years has become a go-to resource for busy teachers.

Bug Club

Bug Club


Years EYFS - 6

Subscription or One-off Purchase

Pearson's Bug Club eBook Library supports all children to develop a lifelong love of reading. With resources for Independent, Guided, and Shared Reading, as well as Reading for Pleasure, we have all you need to support every child’s journey to reading enjoyment and fluency.

Cambridge Reading Adventures

Cambridge Reading Adventures

Cambridge University Press

Years Reception - 6

One-off Purchase

Learners can explore space, sail with pirate queens and travel back to the Ice Age with Cambridge Reading Adventure's diverse range of fiction and non-fiction. We've developed the series with experts at the UCL Institute of Education's International Literacy Centre to provide structured progression through book bands, helping learners become confident, independent readers

Comprehension & Guided Reading

Comprehension & Guided Reading

Headstart Primary

Years 1 - 6

One-off Purchase

Each year group includes: Book 1 (containing the reading texts and activities) and Book 2 (containing the comprehension question book and the comprehension answer book).

Engage Literacy

Engage Literacy


Years Reception - 6

One-off Purchase

Engage Literacy is an award-winning programme perfect for guided, independent and shared reading. With more than 380 fiction and non-fiction books available, organised by level and by book band, it can be easily implemented as a whole school programme, or to top up existing reading resources.

FREDsTeaching Whole-Class Reading

FREDsTeaching Whole-Class Reading


Years 1 - 6


High you will find a huge range of high quality reading resources for KS1 and KS2 which will revolutionise the way you teach reading and accelerate the progress your pupils make. 

Lion Learning Pathways Reading

Lion Learning Pathways Reading

Lion Academy Trust

Years 1 - 6


Our approach to Reading is to provide systematic coverage to support assessment, through a structured approach that supports exemplification and moderation - and a consistency of teaching across all settings and abilities.

Oxford Reading Buddy

Oxford Reading Buddy

Oxford University Press

Years Reception - 6


Transform reading and comprehension in your school with Oxford Reading Buddy.

Oxford Reading Tree

Oxford Reading Tree

Oxford University Press

Years Reception - 6

One-off Purchase

Oxford Reading Tree is a trusted collection of engaging fiction and non-fiction books for young readers. Our extensive reading collection provides a variety of writing styles, genres, and artwork, and has taught over 30 million children how to read and to love to read.

Power of Reading

Power of Reading


Years Reception - 6


The Power of Reading is CLPE’s proven professional development programme that supports your primary school to evolve a high quality literacy curriculum which develops reading comprehension and writing composition, and fosters a whole school love of reading and writing.

Project X

Project X

Oxford University Press

Years 1 - 6

One-off Purchase

Project X reading and writing resources are tailored to capture every child's interest, giving them the best possible chance of success at Primary school and beyond.

Reading Planet

Reading Planet

Rising Stars

Years Reception - 6

One-off Purchase

Inspire and motivate children with the only scheme that reflects today’s young readers

Reading Plus

Reading Plus

Reading Solutions

Years 3 - 6


Reading Solutions UK is the home of Reading Plus – the online reading development programme that engages pupils and makes it easy to evidence impact. Improve reading speed and fluency, increase vocabulary – and accelerate reading comprehension.

Rhino Readers

Rhino Readers


Years EYFS - 6


Our whole-school reading scheme. Help children love reading and set firm foundations for their entire learning journeys with books they don’t want to put down.ur whole-school reading scheme. Help children love reading and set firm foundations for their entire learning journeys with books they don’t want to put down.



Oxford University Press

Years 1 - 6

One-off Purchase

Ensure your children make measurable progress and get them reading for pleasure with the most finely levelled and liveliest junior reading programme.

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