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Primary KS1 & KS2 Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) Schemes of Work and Lesson Planning

The schemes below are designed to cover the recent RSE statutory guidance (updated 2019 and then 2021), but some won't have the wider (and non-statutory) coverage of PSHE. Many of the PSHE schemes of work we list will also contain RSE modules. 


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See also: Wellbeing Resources, Secondary PSHE Schemes


Jigsaw PSHE

Jigsaw PSHE

Jigsaw Education Group

Our programmes help children learn the language, vocabulary and techniques to build their self-esteem, confidence and full emotional repertoire. We take a school wide approach, supporting teachers to create a learning environment that permeates all parts of school life.

Jigsaw programmes provide a progressive and spiral curriculum, linked assemblies and songs, adult modelling, outdoor lessons, social games at lunchtime, understanding of different worldviews, leading ultimately to a set of shared values and behaviours that become the fabric of the way a school functions.

For Years EYFS - Age 16 


  • 400+ lesson plans accompanied with supporting resources, assemblies, original songs and knowledge organisers

  • Whole-school spiral approach

  • Mindfulness embedded

  • Up-to-date webinar and CPD programme

  • Meets all statutory RSHE requirements

  • Mapping Documents

  • Knowledge Organisers

  • Parent Access

  • Newsletter updates

  • Jigsaw Friends distancing tools

  • Additional programmes available;
    Outdoors – enhancing learning opportunities Outdoors
    Families – designed to support families build string, loving relationships
    Connects – FREE match-making service, for schools who want to work together, with Jigsaw PSHE as their initial common ground.

  • REST / resilience scale built in

Staff Training and support

Webinars and dedicated mentors


Subscriptions start from £1.80 per child with discounts available for purchasing multiple programmes.

Free Jigsaw sample Â· Visit Website ·

Kapow PSHE & RSE

Kapow PSHE & RSE

Kapow Primary

Kapow Primary's PSHE and RSE scheme provides a robust and comprehensive curriculum including classroom resources and supporting videos, helping teachers confidently deliver these, sometimes challenging, subjects. The scheme integrates the latest guidance for schools, including the updated September 2022 Keeping Children Safe in Schools guidance ‘Part 5: Child on child sexual violence and sexual harassment’. This ensures that lessons are relevant and up-to-date, and reflect current best-practice in the field.

For Years 1 - 6


  • Progressive Whole School Content: from EYFS to Year 6.

  • Age-Appropriate Lessons: thoughtful and clear content working towards relevant and suitable outcomes for each year group.

  • Puberty and sex education videos: tackle these topics in a thorough, but light manner using an inclusive range of characters in our animated videos, including options with different voiceovers or vocabulary to suit your school.

  • Statutory RSE Coverage: Comprehensively fulfils the statutory requirements for RSE from Years 1-6, ensuring schools meet the national standards.

  • Beyond Statutory Requirements: Extends learning to include Citizenship and Economic Wellbeing, providing a more holistic approach to student development.

  • Input and verification from experts like Elaine Bousfield (Kooth) and Sarah Huggins (PSHE expert).

  • Assessment tools including knowledge organisers and catchers, and assessment quizzes allow for detailed tracking and assessment

  • Spiral Curriculum Design: knowledge is built progressively, ensuring a deepening understanding of key concepts over time.

As with all Kapow Primary schemes, the PSHE & RSE scheme includes detailed planning, integrated CPD, and quality resources to support teachers in delivering engaging and memorable lessons. Kapow Primary PSHE & RSE also includes a unique mixed-age offering as well as condensed plans for schools.

The Kapow Primary PSHE & RSE scheme stands out for its comprehensive and considered approach. Join the growing number of schools that trust Kapow Primary for a thorough and engaging approach to PSHE & RSE education. Sign up now for a FREE 14-day trial and discover the impact this scheme can have in your school.

Visit Website · Free Trial ·

Sex and Relationships Education

Sex and Relationships Education

Bloomsbury Education

Years 3 - 6

One-off Purchase

These books contain photocopiable lesson plans and activities as well as support materials for teachers. The support materials provide guidance on developing a school SRE policy as well as suggesting ways of supporting and involving parents.

Teacher's Books: Year 3/4 · Year 5/6

Body Image Scheme of Work

Body Image Scheme of Work

The Body Happy Organisation

Years 6

One-off Purchase

Introduce children aged 10-11 to the subject of body image in this fully comprehensive, dynamic and inspiring scheme of work for year 6 pupil.

Clued Up for Growing Up

Clued Up for Growing Up

Services For Education

Years 1 - 6

One-off Purchase

Clued Up for Growing Up is a comprehensive online teaching resource based around a series of books and videos that provide a spiral curriculum for Relationships and Sex Education for pupils in Years 1 to 6.

Discovery Health and Relationships

Discovery Health and Relationships

Discovery Education

Years 1 - 6


Feel supported in delivering the new primary RSHE curriculum with Discovery Education Health and Relationships. With ready-to-use lesson activities and comprehensive teacher support this digital PSHE programme equips teachers with the resources and knowledge they need to confidently engage all pupils.

Growing Up With Yasmine and Tom

Growing Up With Yasmine and Tom

The Family Planning Association

Years 1 - 6


Growing up with Yasmine and Tom is an online resource designed by teachers, for teachers to support the delivery of high-quality health, relationships and sex education as part of a PSHE programme.

Kapow RSE & PSHE

Kapow RSE & PSHE

Kapow Primary

Years 1 - 6


Full curriculum coverage across five topics: Family and relationships, Health and wellbeing, Safety and the changing body, Citizenship, Economic wellbeing.

Life to the Full

Life to the Full

Ten Ten Resources

Years Reception - 6+


Enriching, innovative and inspiring Christian faith-based resources for primary and secondary schools.




Years 1 - 6


With a library of 350+ digital citizenship lessons, our teacher-led and independent animated lessons are the ideal way to embed online safety throughout your school.

SCARF Online Resources

SCARF Online Resources

Coram Life Education Charity

Years 1 - 6


SCARF is always up to date, ready for new statutory requirements for Relationships Education - and now new low-cost training courses added.

Teaching RSE with Confidence

Teaching RSE with Confidence

CWP Resouces

Years Reception - 6

One-off Purchase

Designed for pupils from Reception to Year 6, Teaching RSE with Confidence in Primary Schools is a downloadable resource with schemes of work, lesson plans and teaching materials which address topics outlined in the Statutory Guidance.

Twinkl Life

Twinkl Life


Years 1 - 6


Make your school's mental health your priority with our Twinkl Life collection, featuring everything you need to focus for your school's mental health and wellbeing.

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