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Primary EYFS, KS1 & KS2 Spelling Schemes of Work
Below is a list that compares every spelling scheme of work for the English National Primary curriculum. Many of these schemes will match and build on certain phonics schemes. Click on 'visit website' to learn more about each provider and the unique features they offer. You can also stay up to date with the latest spelling curriculum news, offers and CPD by joining our monthly newsletter.
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See also: reading, writing, comprehension and grammar.
Ready Steady Spell
Literacy Counts

Ready Steady Spell is an online membership with everything teachers and leaders need to deliver a dynamic and effective spelling curriculum, available at the click of a button. Ready Steady Spell:
is a progressive systematic spelling programme designed to be used from Y2-Y6
covers all the National Curriculum Spelling objectives, including the Y1 objectives
contains detailed guidance for effective implementation and teaching of spelling
provides a full range of resources to support Quality First Teaching
teaches a range of spelling strategies, alongside spelling rules
teaches the statutory Y3/4 and 5/6 word lists and revisits the Y2 CEW’s
Literacy Counts – We lead on the teaching and leadership of reading, writing, phonics and spelling for individual schools and MATs. Our award-winning resources and expert, bespoke consultancy drive whole-school improvement and raise outcomes.
provides regular formative and summative assessment opportunities
provides a range of taught spelling strategies for children to use
provides engaging ways in which to teach, including IWB materials and songs to support recall of rules
provides clear and detailed resources to support teaching
revisits all the NC objectives in a cyclical manner, within and across the year groups - this ensures embedding and overlearning of the rules and strategies
provides clear revision opportunities to support the spelling domains in Year 6
Staff Training & Support
When a school purchases Ready Steady Spell, whole school training is essential. Subsequent to that, schools can purchase further online/face to face training (inset, half days and twilights are available). Ready Steady Spell also provides online training videos and clips - but this is not a replacement for the recommended initial launch training.
The annual membership for a 1-form entry school is £565(+VAT). To ensure you get the most out of your membership, essential implementation training is available separately. For a tailored quote that meets your school's specific needs, contact hello@literacycounts.co.uk
hello@literacycounts.co.uk · 07522 514 759 · Visit Website · Impact Counts 2024 Report · Ready Steady Spell Resource Brochure · FREE Info Webinar
Pathways to Spell
The Literacy Company

Pathways to Spell is an innovative and engaging spelling programme. It is a research-based series of lessons following a Review, Explain, Practise, Apply and Reflect model. Unlike other spelling programmes, there is a cycle of review objectives covering the whole curriculum to ensure gaps in learning are constantly revisited.
The programme encourages pupils to be excited about spelling and fascinated about words, developing pupils’ confidence with spelling across the curriculum and enabling teachers to identify and address common spelling issues. Spoken language underpins all the lessons with hypothesising and experimenting at the heart of the programme. The national curriculum objectives for spelling from Years 1 to 6 are covered through this comprehensive and progressive programme.
For Years 1 – 6
(please note, Pathways to Spell starts in the spring 1 term in Y1 to allow schools to focus on the reading elements of their chosen SSP)
6 weeks of detailed planning with further ideas to support
Sessions timetabled 20-30 minutes, with 4 sessions per week in KS1 (beginning in year 1, spring term) and 3 sessions a week in KS2
A ‘Spelling Games and Activities Handbook’
Comprehensive progressive word lists and fully editable PowerPoints for each unit
A methodology document supporting mixed-age planning, the spelling environment, spelling journals/logs, and marking and assessment
The programme offers:
Consolidation of previously taught spelling patterns and rules in conjunction with new teaching
Exploration of phonemic, orthographic, morphological, and etymological knowledge
Opportunities to review and reflect on learning to support pupils in the development of key metacognitive strategies
Spelling knowledge and strategies to ensure pupils learn through a multi-sensory approach
Support and challenge for the range of learners in every class
Ideas for the spelling environment and how to support application beyond spelling lessons
Pathways to Spell sequences learning into five stages:
Review: Revisit previously taught spelling objectives
Explain: Explore and investigate new words and spellings
Practise: Practise using new rules or patterns through a variety of multi-sensory activities
Apply: Apply the rules with greater independence within sentences
Reflect: Think about strategies that helped new learning stick
Staff Training & Support
The Literacy Company offer a range of training and support delivered face to face (distance dependent), online or via downloadable training modules.
We have a range of Pathways Literacy programmes supporting writing, reading, intervention and poetry. Find out more here.
Pathways to Spell prices start at £115(+VAT) for one year group or £395(+VAT) for the whole package. Please note this is a one-time payment and not a subscription model.
Click here to read about the impact that Pathways to Spell has had in schools.
If you have any questions, please contact us at pathways@theliteracycompany.co.uk · 01244 445050 · Visit Website
Spelling Shed
Year 1 - 6
Annual Subscription (£2.00 per pupil/year + VAT for schools, £49.99 per year including VAT for teachers)
Spelling Shed, The Science of Spelling, is the proven spelling scheme with spelling games enjoyed by millions of learners worldwide! Spelling Shed's scheme is based on cutting-edge research into the teaching of spelling and vocabulary. It includes proven approaches to teach spelling, such as using phonics as a base, exploring morphology and etymology, including activities that support orthographic mapping and explicitly teaching spelling patterns.
Rather than rote memorisation, Spelling Shed teaches children skills and strategies for spelling, promoting independent learning, increasing reading fluency and improving vocabulary acquisition.
Spelling Shed subscriptions also include a full grammar curriculum, which provides full National Curriculum coverage, Grammar Arcade, grammar quizzes, Mastery Zone, Hive games, word lists, end-of-term assessments and data tools. Sign up for a free 30 day trial.
The Spelling Programme
KS2 Gems
Years 1 - 6
FREE 14 day trial with Pango - the home of primary schemes of work
An effective scheme of work for Spelling with activity-based learning to develop knowledge & skills. The scheme encourages an enquiry-based approach to learning and is fully aligned to the National Curriculum [read more].
Sir Linkalot
Thinkalink Digital
Classroom Secrets GPS
Classroom Secrets
Years 1 - 6
A range of grammar, punctuation and spelling lessons including activities, worksheets, and teaching resources for Primary teachers in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Teacher-led activities such as lesson slides, and differentiated worksheets available.
Cracking Spelling
D Stinson Education
Years 3 - 6
One-off Purchase
Cracking Spelling programme is designed to support and guide staff in delivering the spelling expectations from the key stage 2 National Curriculum. It is a prescriptive programme that focuses on ensuring children develop an investigative approach to spelling. Within the programme, there is also the focus on the grammar understanding of the words that are the focus of the sessions. Each year group is provided with a downloadable teacher's guide and 6 half-termly activity books.
Years 1 - 6
Annual Subscription
Learn how to spell with DoodleSpell, the innovative spelling app for ages 5-11! Filled with interactive exercises and fun games, DoodleSpell is specifically designed to boost confidence and ability in spelling. Rather than simply teaching how to spell words, DoodleSpell helps children to understand the meaning behind words and how to use them in sentences, giving them a solid foundation to build on in school.
Letterland Spelling Stations
Years 1 - 2
One-off Purchase
All aboard! Spelling Stations takes children on a train journey of discovery from station to station learning new spelling patterns as they go. The visual clues linked to station names give children strategies for remembering how to spell words, and there are plenty of activities to help consolidate that learning.
No Nonsense Spelling
Years 2 - 6
One-off Purchase
The new spelling solution from Raintree, No Nonsense Spelling, meets the needs of teachers looking to improve spelling standards at KS2. This structured and rigorous approach offers teachers a comprehensive yet accessible progression in the teaching of spelling for Years 2-6. Guidance, rather than prescription, is provided on how to teach the strategies,knowledge and skills pupils need to learn [read more].
Schofield & Sims Spelling
Schofield & Sims
Years 1 - 6
One-off Purchase
Schofield & Sims Spelling is a structured and rigorous programme designed for Key Stages 1 and 2 and also suitable for some older students. Comprising six pupil books and an accompanying teacher's guide and teacher's resource book, this comprehensive series builds on pupils' phonics knowledge while also helping them to understand how word structure and meaning can help them to spell words.
Pupil Books: Year 2 · Year 3 · Year 4 · Year 5 · Year 6
Teacher Guide (1 - 6) · Teacher Resource Book (1 - 6)
Spectacular SPaG
Mrs Mactivity
Years 1 - 6
Monthly Subscription
Spectacular SPaG is a an exciting spelling, punctuation and grammar scheme for Years 1-6, designed to save teachers' time whilst making SPaG engaging and active. Includes downloadable planning, presentations and differentiated worksheets/activity cards.
Spell Like a Ninja
Bloomsbury Education
Years 1 - 6
One-off Purchase
In this newest instalment of the Ninja series, Spell Like a Ninja provides essential tips, lists and advice to support the teaching and learning of spelling in the primary classroom or at home, all in a handy, pocket-sized book. Including every statutory spelling pattern in the National Curriculum, this book is split into sections for Key Stage 1, Lower Key Stage 2 and Upper Key Stage 2 to enable all pupils to learn at their own pace in this all-in-one quick reference tool [read more].
Spelling Scheme of Work with Emile
Cyber Coach Smart
Year 1 - 6
Most of the school years are divided into six half terms with each half term broken into seven weeks. Each school week has a powerpoint, word search, word lists, look cover write out sheets, and six online games to engage students. Powerpoints include the etymological roots of words, lean on phonics used in EY and have class activities.
Spelling at KS1
Teachit Primary
Years 1 - 2
Move away from traditional spelling tests with our KS1 teaching pack. Creative teaching ideas and a variety of resources will support your teaching of spelling strategies and rules and engage your year 1 and 2 classes in this tricky area of learning.
Spelling with the Jungle Club
Years 2 & 3
Annual Subscription
FFT's spelling programme offers comprehensive daily spelling lessons for Years 2 and 3. Our commitment to covering the entire KS2 curriculum is ongoing, with Year 4 content set to launch in September 2025 and the platform being developed for Years 5 and 6 following in September 2026.
Years 1 - 6
One-off Purchase
The Spellings are taken from the National Curriculum for English; and include all the statutory spellings and the spelling pattern words for each year group. Core spelling booklets are available in a choice of print, joined cursive or continuous cursive fonts, to aid handwriting.
Support for Spelling
Support for Spelling
Years 2 - 6 (and KS3 Intervention)
Annual Subscription
Support for Spelling gives schools an effective professional development package and a research-informed progressive structure for teaching spelling (Y2-6 or as a KS3 intervention). Importantly, flexibility is built into the approach so that implementation is achievable for all schools. Get in touch to find out how it can work well in your school.
The Spelling Book
The Training Space
Year 6
One-off Purchase
In this series of books, Jane Considine reveals her structured, rigorous system to teach spelling. Built on the fundamentals of teaching spelling with strong phonic foundations, The Spelling Book has around 150 pages of activities and guidance that will transform your teaching of spelling, ensuring your pupils become better spellers for life [read more].
The Spelling Box
Prim-ed Publishing
Years 1 - 6
One-off Purchase
With 200 cards in each box (100 unique cards, two of each) featuring activities that will improve and reinforce pupils' spelling, The Spelling Box is the resource you need to take your spelling programme to the next level. Designed with flexibility in mind, this resource can be used with ANY spelling programme and ANY spelling list.
Year 1 · Year 2 · Year 3 · Year 4 · Year 5 · Year 6