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Compare Primary EYFS, KS1 & KS2 Comprehension Schemes of Work & Planning
Many of the comprehension schemes below can be bought as separate books for each year group, and when this is the case we've linked the individual books to the Amazon listings below.
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Comprehension Ninja
Years 1 - 6
One-off Purchase
With accompanying question sets that challenge pupils to effectively skim, scan and retrieve information and improve their subject knowledge, this practical guide features theory and teaching approaches that can be applied to any curriculum area.
Pupil Books (Fiction & Poetry): Year 1 · Year 2 · Year 3 · Year 4 · Year 5 · Year 6
Pupil Books (Non-Fiction): Year 1 · Year 2 · Year 3 · Year 4 · Year 5 · Year 6
The Comprehension Box
Prim-Ed Publishing
Years 3 - 6
One-off Purchase
No preparation required allowing for the effective management of your time; Differentiated materials for you to access that will ensure all pupils are challenged; Pupil-led resources – self-marking allows pupils to work independently [read more].
Nelson Comprehension
Oxford University Press
Years 1 - 6
One-off Purchase
Nelson Comprehension provides a simple and effective course for the teaching of key comprehension skills. Units cover all genres of texts - including fiction, poetry, playscripts, instructions and biography - with plenty of practice, repetition and assessment built in.
Pupil Books: Year 1 · Year 2 · Year 3 · Year 4 · Year 5 · Year 6
Resource & Assessment Books: Year 1/2 · Year 3/4 · Year 5/6
Treasure House Comprehension Skills
Years 1 - 6
One-off Purchase
Treasure House: Comprehension Pupil Books are aimed at ages 6-11. They cover all the text types specified in the 2014 National Curriculum, with follow-up activities that build the skills necessary to develop critical thinking [read more].
Brilliant Activities for Reading Comprehension
Brilliant Publications
Boost Comprehension
Boost Primary
Years 3 - 6
One-off Purchase
The scheme that’s built on the EEF’s research - Boost Comprehension enhances pupils’ fluency and comprehension skills. With 30 texts and 90 pre-planned lessons for each KS2 year group, no planning is required – we’ve got you! Cover seven key reading skills whilst exploring a range of classic and original texts [read more].
Bug Club Guided
Years 1 - 6
Annual Subscription & One-off Purchase
Bug Club Guided is part of our all-new eBook Library. It uses a dialogic approach to help children achieve comprehension mastery. Deepen your their understanding and comprehension with high-quality guided reading books that the children would recommend themselves [read more].
CGP+ English
Years 3 - 6
Monthly Subscription
Incredible online teaching resources, plus CGP Books extras just for members! [read more].
Complete Comprehension
Schofield & Sims
Years 1 - 6
One-off Purchase
Comprising six books of teacher's notes and photocopiable resources, Complete Comprehension is a whole-school programme designed to support children from their first steps in comprehension through to secure ownership and confident application of comprehension skills [read more].
Comprehension Teaching Pack
Teachit Primary
Years 3 - 6
One-off Purchase
Help children to develop their understanding and enjoyment of stories and non-fiction with our Comprehension pack for lower KS2. Featuring six texts alongside engaging comprehension tasks, questions and answers, this pack will encourage your children to retrieve information, draw inferences, make predictions, identify and summarise ideas and analyse language and structure [read more].
FREDsTeaching Whole-Class Reading
Years 1 - 6
Annual Subscription
Here you will find a huge range of high quality teaching resources for KS1 and KS2 which will revolutionise the way you teach reading and accelerate the progress your pupils make! [read more].
Hamilton Trust English
Hamilton Trust
Years R - 6
Monthly/Annual Subscription
Most KS1 and some KS2 units include a Group Reader in the resources. These simple and engaging texts can be projected or printed and are pitched at a reading level accessible to most children in the class [read more].
Headstart Reading Comprehension
Headstart Primary
Years 1 - 6
One-off Purchase
This series is designed to make the formative assessment of reading as straightforward as possible. At the same time, its aim is to develop children’s reading skills and encourage their engagement with literature in all its forms [read more].
Real Comprehension
Years 1 - 6
Monthly Subscription
Real Comprehension is a unique, whole-school reading comprehension programme designed to develop sophisticated skills of inference and retrieval; build rich vocabularies; and encourage the identification of themes and comparison between texts from years 1 to 6 [read more].