🌎 Looking for a new geography scheme? We're hosting a free live session on May 8th at 4.15pm where you can hear from FOUR leading suppliers of geography schemes, saving you hours of research time. Sign up here!
Compare EYFS Whole Curriculum Resources
Looking for whole EYFS curriculum planning for your nursery or infant school? Use our list of almost every provider of EYFS curriculum planning so you can see which one is best for your setting. These resources will cover nursery and recption year groups. Most resources will also include continuous provision planning, and all are designed by EYFS experts.
Also see: EYFS PE, EYFS Reading & Writing, EYFS Maths
A Curriculum for Reception
A Curriculum for Reception
One-off Purchase
Having consulted with a number of Reception teachers, I know that constructing your own curriculum is both exhausting and stressful. Your curriculum needs to cover the seven areas of learning from the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework while feeding into the Year 1 National Curriculum – and yet remaining fun and appealing for reception-aged children. This is the aim of this Reception Curriculum for English schools – all the research and planning has been done for you
Early Years Staffroom
Early Years Staffroom
Monthly/Annual Subscription
The Early Years Staffroom is a planning and resource website designed for early years teachers and practitioners. Individual and School Memberships are available, giving you access to over 1700 planning documents and editable resources covering the EYFS.
Is it Time to Play?
Is it Time to Play?
Monthly / Annual SubscriptionÂ
Is it Time to Play? is a planning and resource website specifically designed to meet the needs of EYFS teachers, through in-depth provision plans, full length schemes, supporting documents and assessment tools. The IITTP approach to planning follows the current EYFS guidance and keeps play at the heart of the curriculum!
Learning Challange Curriculum - Early Years
Focus Education
Annual Subscription / One-off Cost
The plans here take full account of the expectations, as set out in the ‘Development Matters’ document, and focus on the Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design sections. They link directly to the other units in the Learning Challenge in as much as we identify the composite and components in the first instance and then provide ideas on how best to develop these with young children.
Miss LVT range
Mrs Mactivity
Annual Subscription
Explore a naturally inspired EYFS range with elements of sage, hessian and ivy. Includes weekly provision topic packs on a variety of themes - all linked to the EYFS -  with tuff tray setup examples and photos, key questions, differentiation and activity sheets. Alongside our provision range, you can explore morning starter packs for each week of the school year, that make use of the 'bitty' time in the morning and get children learning.
Mr C's Classroom
Mrs Mactivity
Annual Subscription
Mr C’s Classroom range is a fun and playful range to delight the soul! Be inspired and invigorated with exciting EYFS provision topic packs with tuff tray setups, top tips, suggested texts and more – everything you need for your provision areas. The aim of these packs is to provide practitioners with ideas and support to deliver a fun and engaging EYFS curriculum.There is no expectation that every activity is covered each week, however the range of activities gives ideas and flexibility to teachers.
Oxford International Early Years
Oxford University Press
One-off Purchase/Subscription
An Early Years play-based learning programme to fully prepare children for primary education. Across six Activity Books, students discover the joy of learning Maths, English and Science through play-based topics that stimulate their curiosity.