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Compare Primary Assembly and Collective Worship Ideas and Resources
Browse our list of planning for whole-school assemblies and collective worship. Each of the packages below will generally include weekly assembly resources and planning for the whole school year. Many also have a focus on music and singing and most cover secular and religious themes.
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100 Ideas for Assemblies
Years 1 - 6
One-off Purchase
This title contains one hundred ideas for assemblies in the primary school suitable for ages 5 to 11. Some assemblies will be religious and some will be secular, the former will contain stories from many religious traditions. Each assembly will carry an element of surprise, a story or a poem and an element of prayer or reflection [read more].Â
20 Best Assemblies
Year 1 - 6
One-off Purchase
Create engaging assemblies with ready-made resources. Discover 20 instant assemblies themed around festivals and seasons to excite and motivate children in Key Stages 1 and 2. Clear objectives and step-by-step guidance for conducting class or whole-school assemblies. Save time with ready-to-use photocopiable resources including poems, stories, prayers and closing thoughts. Clean and simple layout, ordered by key stage and year group, for last minute use [read more].Â
A Fresh Approach to Collective Worship
Diocese of Canterbury
Years 1 - 6
A number of resources written to support schools in planning Collective Worship that is suited to their school and context. They are just a guide and there is no expectation to follow them explicitly. Our hope is that schools will use these resources to enable all teachers to feel more confident in planning and leading acts of collective worship in their school context.
Assemblies for All
Bloomsbury Education
Years 3 - 6
One-off Purchase
An non-denominational assembly book that explores a huge range of topics that will engage and stimulate children (and hopefully staff too). Every idea has been tried and tested in school and the topics covered are topical and thought-provoking [read more].
Assemblies for All
Humanists UK
Years 1 - 6 +
Assemblies for All features hundreds of interactive, meaningful assemblies made by education professionals from charities like Amnesty, Oxfam and Unicef, to organisations such as UK Parliament and the BBC. Every assembly is organised by theme, key stage, organisation, and, for many of them, by a corresponding event in the calendar. The calendar contains notable dates across the year so that assemblies can be held to mark important events such as International Women’s Day, World Environment Day, and Martin Luther King Jr Day.
Big Start Assemblies
Essential Christian
Years 1 - 6
Annual Subscription
Teachers and kids love Big Start Assemblies! Combining value-based themes with stories from the Bible, the assemblies are easy to plan and great fun for KS1 and KS2 children. We give you everything you need: presentations, videos, songs, music, scripts and a whole lot more.
Out of the Ark Music
Out of the Ark
Years 1 - 6
One-off Purchase
Sung in schools around the world for over 30 years, Out of the Ark’s assembly songbooks are firm favourites for teachers and children. Our values-based assembly songs are perfect for collective worship, or for PSHE or seasonal assemblies.
School Radio Assemblies
BBC Teach
Years 1 - 6
Deliver powerful primary school assemblies using this collection of video, audio and related content for KS1, KS2 and P1 - P7 mapped either to the SMSC framework, Festical of World Religions, Special Days throughout the calender year, or Philosophical questions.
Simply Collective Worship
Simply Collective Worship
Years 1 - 6
One-off Purchase
Simply Collective Worship is a scheme of primary school assemblies that has been written to support the busy life of any primary school. Our resources are based on the experience we have gained as teachers and in providing support and training to teachers.
Twinkl Assemblies
Years 1 - 6
Monthly/Annual Subscription
Our primary assembly resources are designed to make it as stress-free as possible for your Senior Leadership Team to deliver entertaining, engaging and fun school assemblies. Whether it's for EYFS, KS1, KS2 or the whole school, our resources and PowerPoints are superb no matter the audience.