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Compare Primary Drama Schemes of Work and Planning
The English Primary Curriculum states that "pupils should be enabled to participate in and gain knowledge, skills and understanding associated with the artistic practice of drama". Whilst many of the literacy schemes of work on our writing page contain drama modules and planning, the schemes below are stand alone and can be purchased separately. These are also great for after school and lunchtime clubs.
Also see: Primary Literacy Schemes
Drama & Theatre Schemes of Work
Drama & Theatre
Years 3 - 6
Montly Subscription
Twice each term of the academic year, Drama & Theatre brings you practical strategies, lesson plans, and inspiration to enhance your teaching. Whether you teach in a school context at primary or secondary level, lead extra-curricular drama workshops, or give private tuition, Drama & Theatre is an invaluable resource written for teachers by teachers, playwrights, practitioners, and the stars of the theatre world.