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Compare Primary Times Table Resources, Activities & Schemes

The times table activities and resources we've compared support times-table practice and recall, as well as providing preparation for the statutory year 4 Multiplication Tables Check (MTC). There is a huge variety of approaches here - from apps to paper - so please take the time to research offerings from each provider. 

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Also see: Mental Maths, Primary Maths Schemes

Depth Learning Times Table Scheme

Depth Learning Times Table Scheme

Depth Learning

Years 1 - 6

One-off Purchase

This scheme is designed to give pupils an understanding of relationships between times table facts and corresponding division facts. Facts are boxed into fact families to show the connections between facts and also colour coded to show connections relating to doubles and halves.



Doodle Learning

Years 1 - 6


Available on tablets, mobiles, laptops and desktops, DoodleTables is specifically designed to boost confidence and ability in times tables. Filled with fun exercises and games, it explores new times tables while revising what a child already knows, helping them to truly master their multiplications.

Learn Your Times Tables

Learn Your Times Tables

Headstart Primary

Years 1 - 6

One-off Purchase

Not just a times tables practice book, this is a step-by-step, structured learning process with interactive audio.

Mighty Multiples

Mighty Multiples

Badger Learning

Years Reception - 6

One-off Purchase

Mighty Multiples is a visual, auditory and kinaesthetic approach to learning the time tables that will appeal to all children.

National Curriculum Times Tables

National Curriculum Times Tables


Years 1 - 6

One-off Purchase

Master your multiplication with practice activities, problems to solve, games to play and a free digital times tables check, perfect for use at home or in the classroom.

Pupil Workbooks: Year 1/2 · Year 3/4 · Year 5/6

Perform with Times Tables

Perform with Times Tables

123 Learning

Years 1 - 6

One-off Purchase

A book which takes an unusual twist on learning times tables as it teaches all multiplication and division facts up to 10 x 10 using  the same successful formula as our other books - the over-learning principle.  First published in May 2008 it has produced amazing results in its initial trials, and exceeded all expectations [read more]. 

Tackling Tables

Tackling Tables

Years 1 - 6

One-off Purchase

The Tackling Tables card game and app enable students to see number relationships. This is a highly effective way to help them to achieve automatic and accurate retrieval of multiplication tables and the corresponding division facts. 

The Mighty Multiples Times Table Challenge

The Mighty Multiples Times Table Challenge

Brilliant Publications

Years Reception - 6

One-off Purchase

Mighty Multiples is a visual, auditory and kinaesthetic approach to learning the times tables will appeal to all children, whatever their learning style. Kinaesthetic activities form a central part of the scheme.

Times Table Ninja

Times Table Ninja


Years 3 - 6

One-off Purchase

The activities in this photocopiable book gives Key Stage 2 pupils all the tools they need to gain fluency in multiplication and division up to their 12 times tables. Each chapter begins with exercises for practising rapid recall, followed by visually engaging activities for applying knowledge to other areas of maths including shape, perimeter, scale factors, fractions and more. 

Times Table Rockstars

Times Table Rockstars

Maths Circle

Years 1 - 6


Times Tables Rock Stars is a maths programme that takes all the worry out of learning times tables and has a proven track record of boosting children’s fluency and recall in multiplication and division.

Times Tables Fluency Programme

Times Tables Fluency Programme

Number Sense Maths

Years 3 - 6 +

Annual Subscription

A fully resourced scheme of work focused entirely on times tables. The highly visual, research informed programme provides the structure and depth to times tables teaching that children need to achieve fluency in essential multiplication and division facts and concepts. A true Mastery programme, designed to achieve fluency for every child without exception.

Times Tables Maths Cards

Times Tables Maths Cards

FunKey Maths

Years Reception - 6

One-off Purchase

Great for children who need to learn times tables. Great for children who want fun ways to practise times tables or who are ready to explore multiplication and division in more depth.

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